Together, we are stronger: Celebrating migrants in Ireland
‘Together, we are stronger’ celebrates the migrants who come to Ireland to seek safety, security and a happy future for themselves and their families. Together, they make Ireland a better place.
This video was inspired by the Department of Foreign Affairs video for St Patrick’s Day celebrating Ireland’s diaspora around the world.
This video was created following the request by the women ActionAid Ireland works with who are seeking asylum in Ireland. We are working with them to claim their human rights and overcome marginalisation and poverty. They have reported increased racism and discrimination.
Racism is a human rights violation, racism can compound poverty – it denies people access to jobs, homes and opportunities. We are seeing a rise in anti-migrant rhetoric and intimidation in Ireland and believe we needed to respond.
The goal of the video therefore was to create a new, positive and welcoming narrative for migrants in Ireland.
We want to challenge prejudice and celebrate unity.