A Gift In Your Will

Leave a Gift in your Will – ActionAid Ireland
Your gift for the future
A legacy donation can help us to create long-term solutions to end poverty, inequality and social injustice.
Your gift will help us continue to provide essentials, such as education, healthcare, clean water and sanitation, as well as economic empowerment opportunities to women and girls in some of the world’s poorest communities.
It is one way in which you can ensure that the things which have been important to you in your lifetime live on.
Making sure your wishes are known
Having an up-to-date Will ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes and can provide peace of mind for both you and your loved ones. It also allows you to name an executor who will be responsible for administering your estate.
Without a Will, the distribution of your assets will be determined by the laws of the land. This could mean that your assets are distributed in a way that you would not have intended. Additionally, without a Will, it may take longer to sort everything out.

Leave a Gift in your Will – ActionAid Ireland

Leave a Gift in your Will – ActionAid Ireland
Reducing your tax bill
Leaving a bequest to charity from your estate can also provide tax benefits for your estate and heirs. Gifts are typically deductible for estate tax purposes, which can reduce the overall taxes owed by your estate. Additionally, leaving a charitable gift can help reduce the taxes owed by your heirs when they inherit your estate.
Keeping your Will up to date
It is recommended that you review your Will periodically or after any major life changes, such as marriage, divorce, birth of a child or grandchild, or significant changes in your assets. It is also important to keep your Will in a safe and accessible place where it can be easily found.
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What to do next
If you’d like more information about leaving a gift in your will to ActionAid and the impact that you would have, please contact Niamh Curran at [email protected], or phone her at 01 878 7911 for a confidential chat.
Free Will writing service
Writing or amending your Will doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive. At ActionAid Ireland, we offer a free Will writing service for our supporters and their partners. This is an online service, where you can create a simple Will, free of charge. We are a charity partner of FreeWill Ireland. This online offering will be suitable for many people. For those with more complex circumstances, it is generally recommended to use the services of a solicitor.
Please note that by using this service, you are under no obligation to leave a gift to ActionAid Ireland. Find out more about this service here.
How to include ActionAid Ireland in your Will
If you would like to make a gift to ActionAid Ireland, you just need to know our registered address and registered charity number as below:
ActionAid Ireland
172 Ivy Exchange
Granby Place, Parnell Square
Dublin, D01 V125
Registered Charity No. 20013790
Your gift to ActionAid
By leaving a legacy gift to ActionAid Ireland in your Will, you can help us continue our vital work fighting poverty and promoting women’s rights around the world. Your gift will help ensure that we can continue to empower women and girls, protect their rights, and provide basic necessities like food, shelter, and education.
Whether your gift is large or small, it will make a real difference in the lives of the people we work with. And best of all, it’s easy to include a gift to ActionAid Ireland in your Will.
You can give a fixed sum if you prefer, or you could leave ActionAid a share of the residue (which is what is left after all other gifts have been made). The advantage of the second approach is that gifts from the residue do not lose value due to inflation in the years to come.
Your privacy
If you are happy to tell us that you’ve mentioned ActionAid in your Will, we would love to say thank you and keep in contact with you in the years ahead. If you’d rather keep it private that is your choice too of course.
Thank you for considering supporting ActionAid Ireland in this way, and for your continued commitment to helping others. Together, we can make a real difference in creating a just and caring world, where women and children’s human rights are respected. If you have any questions about making this wonderful gift towards our future work, please call us on 01 878 7911 or drop us a line at [email protected]