ActionAid Ireland is an international charity that works with women and girls living in poverty.

Throughout the world, ActionAid works to strengthen the capacity and agency of people living in poverty and exclusion, especially women, to assert their rights. Supporting women and children as they claim their rights, is the most effective way for communities to lead themselves out of poverty.

Help Women Build New Futures

€25 can provide families fleeing violence with food, supplies, and shelter.

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Sign our petition – Mattel: end abuse of women workers on Barbie factory in China

Undercover investigation by ActionAid reveals major concerns of exploitation of the female workforce in China of Barbie maker Mattel.

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ActionAid's local partner Violet distribute food items in Northwest Syria

Response to Emergency

Help the most vulnerable to prepare for emergencies

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Sponsor a Child - ActionAid Ireland

Sponsor a Child

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Empowering Women to Lead Sustainable Farming: Your Impact.

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Addressing the Causes of Gender-Based Violence

Women’s Rights

Women’s Leadership in Humanitarian Emergencies


Feminist Alternatives for Economic & Climate Justice


CHY 6888, Company Reg. No. 95403, Tax No. 4732722I, Registered Charity No. 20013790

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