Contact ActionAid

We would really like to hear from you.

If you wish to contact ActionAid Ireland, sign up to our newsletter or contact a team member, you will find the contact details here. We’ll respond to your query promptly.


Phone email

Phone: Phone: +353 (1) 878 7911 (office hours)
Email: [email protected]

P.S.: From time to time, we may contact you about your donation and support for our causes through the number 012635283, 08000882153, and 012030736.


Postal address

ActionAid Ireland
Ivy Exchange,
172 Granby Place,
Parnell Square,
Dublin 1,


Company Information

ActionAid is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in Ireland Number 95403
Charity CHY Number: 6888
Charity Reg. No: 20013790
CEO Karol Balfe – Renée Dempsey Clifford


Contact a team member

If you wish to contact an ActionAid Ireland member you will find the contact details here.

CHY 6888, Company Reg. No. 95403, Tax No. 4732722I, Registered Charity No. 20013790

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