About ActionAid Ireland
ActionAid works with women and children, as they take the lead in claiming their human rights to build a more just world.

ActionAid works with women and children who are excluded and live in poverty, as they take the lead in claiming their human rights, and changing the systems in society so that they can live safe lives and access food, education and healthcare.
The women in these communities are empowered to take the lead – they decide their priorities, and we support them as they engage with the rest of their community and the wider power structures in society, to bring about change for the better that benefits the whole community.
We also work together to hold our governments and international institutions to account, campaigning side by side to achieve meaningful long-term change to create a more just world.
Our Work
We work with communities, people’s organisations, women’s movements, groups and networks, social movements and other allies to overcome the structural causes and consequences of poverty and injustice. Empowering women living in poverty and exclusion is crucial to achieving social justice, gender inequality, and poverty eradication.
We connect the work we do at community level with broader efforts and struggles for justice at every level to make the greatest contribution towards a just, equitable and sustainable world.
Learn MoreWhere We Work
ActionAid Ireland is part of the ActionAid global federation, which operates in over 71countries. We have a commitment to shift power to the global south. Our international headquarters is in South Africa and we are governed by an International Board and International General Assembly.
We work closely with the teams in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nepal, Palestine, Uganda, and Vietnam, along with female asylum seekers in Ireland.
Our Strategy
Our mission for A Just and Caring World for Women and Children is to support the leadership and agency of women and children who are excluded and live in poverty. We have four strategic objectives: To address the systematic and structural causes of gender-based violence; promote women’s leadership in humanitarian contexts; amplify feminist alternatives for economic & climate justice; diversify funding, inspire and engage our supporters.
Read the full strategy here or a summary here.
Learn MoreImage: Women in Kerala show their resilience as they rebuild their community following devastating flooding. Image: ActionAid India.
Finances and Accountability
ActionAid Ireland has achieved the “triple-lock” of good governance and reporting standards: the Board of Directors monitors compliance with the Charities Regulator Governance Code, the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising and the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) under FRS102.
Visit this page for more information on our Board of Directors, Governance Procedures, Audited Annual Accounts, Staff and Fundraising Costs and more.
Learn MoreActionAid Ireland Annual Report 2022
Our Annual Report for 2022 highlights some of our work and impact in 2022, led by the communities who we work with and made possible thanks to our generous supporters and funders.
In 2022 ActionAid Ireland raised income of €3,146,277. We raised this through individual support and the support of Irish Aid, Department of Foreign Affairs. Total expenditure was €3,251,702. Of that, we spent 76% on charitable activities. We spent the remaining 24% on raising funds and on governance.
Learn MoreOur Board of Directors
ActionAid Ireland is governed by a Board of Directors whose principal responsibilities are the setting and monitoring of the strategic direction of the organisation, monitoring compliance, ensuring the efficient and effective use of resources and the establishment of policy. No remuneration is paid to Directors for their services on the Board.
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Working with ActionAid
ActionAid Ireland does not send volunteers overseas because we prefer to hire and train local talent in the countries we support however we often have opportunities for volunteers in Ireland.
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Heading image: A staff member of the Centre for Information Technology & Development, Salma Abdul-Waheed, leading a Covid-19 information event in Nigeria. Photo by Etinosa Yvonne/ActionAid