Already a Sponsor?
Thank you for helping communities around the world create lasting change.
Write to the child you sponsor!
A letter from their sponsor on the other side of the world is a huge source of excitement for a sponsored child. They especially like hearing about your lives, the differences and similarities. And of course getting a photograph or postcard of where their sponsor lives. When you send the child you sponsor a letter it is shared with them and their classmates so no child is left out.
Technology has made it easier for us to communicate, and now you have the chance to send a message to your sponsored child in the blink of an eye. Let them know you are thinking about them and send a message today!
Write to the child you sponsor
*Please note that emails and letters must go through a vetting process before reaching sponsored children. We will be happy to pass your message after this process has been completed!
Your donation can go further at no extra cost
With just a quick signature, more funds could go towards transforming the lives of some of the world’s poorest communities. If you are a PAYE tax payer by simply signing a quick form, ActionAid can claim a substantial refund on your annual donation for free.
Learn MoreWhat is Village Sponsorship?
Village Sponsorship supports the region of Amuru in Uganda with additional funds to those received by child sponsorship. 60% of the money goes to the community in Amuru, Uganda. 40% is spent on campaigning for structural changes to end poverty, on raising awareness about our work and on raising further funding to continue our work.