Donor Charter

  • As a charity seeking donations from the public we ActionAid Ireland aim to comply with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public, issued by the Charities Regulator.
  • Our pledge is to treat all our donors with respect, honesty and openness.
  • We commit to being accountable and transparent so that donors and prospective donors can have full confidence in ActionAid Ireland.
  • We promise we will effectively apply your gifts to us for their intended purposes.
  • We commit that you, our donors and prospective donors will:
  • Be informed of the organisation’s mission, and of the way the organisation intends to use donated resources.
  • Be informed of the identity of those serving on the organisation’s governing board, and that the board will exercise prudent judgement in its stewardship responsibilities.
  • Have access to the organisation’s most recent financial statements.
  • Be assured your gifts will be used for the purposes for which they were given.
  • Receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition.
  • Be assured that information about your donation is handled with respect and with confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
  • Expect that all relationships with individuals representing the charity will be dealt with professionally.
  • Be informed whether those seeking donations are volunteers, employees of the organisation or hired third party agents.
  • Have easily available the agreed procedures for making and responding to complaints.
  • Have the opportunity for any names to be deleted from mailing lists and to be informed if the organisation intends to share the mailing lists with third parties.
  • Receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers to questions you might have of the organisation.

CHY 6888, Company Reg. No. 95403, Tax No. 4732722I, Registered Charity No. 20013790

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