Stories of change from Nepal  

  • Date: 03/07/2023
  • Author: Jo-Ann Ward

ActionAid’s Women’s Rights Programme has been running since 2012. The overall goal of the programme is to increase the safety and security of women and girls and improve their economic wellbeing in the three countries, Kenya, Ethiopia and Nepal.

We have a long-running partnership agreement with Irish Aid to run the Women’s Rights Programme. Irish Aid is the Irish Government’s programme for overseas development and humanitarian support and is funded by the Irish taxpayer.  

ActionAid Nepal has created a video series and documentary to highlight the impact of Irish Aid funding on the lives of women and girls in Nepal.  Watch the full series here.

We are pleased to share that Irish Aid will continue to fund the programme for the next five years. 

The documentary

6 Years of “Samunnati Project”-Women’s Rights Programme:

The video series 

The series highlights how girls are taking the lead to end child marriage in their community. It also shows how young activists are creating safer public transport and safe public spaces for women and girls. In addition, the series showcases women who are standing up to violence; inspiring stories of women earning an income for the first time; and women who have taken leadership roles in their communities. The final video in the series highlights how women are transforming their lives through revaluing and redistributing unpaid care work.  

The videos  

“Girls Are Changing Social Norms By Challenging Harmful Practice.” Watch the inspiring story of change as girls take action to end child marriage in their community.  पर्साका शाहसी किशोरीहरुका कथा-The Story of Brave Girls of Parsa 

“Breaking Barriers: Youth learning the Way in Creating Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls.” Witness the inspiring efforts of young activists as they work towards creating safer public transportation and spaces for women and girls. सुरक्षित शहर निर्माणमा जुटेका युवाहरुको कथा-Youth for Safe City 

“Breaking the Silence: Women Speak Out Against Violence and Seek Justice through Legal Services.” The powerful stories of women who have refused to stay silent in the face of violence. न्यायको लागि उनको आवाज-She Speaks for Justice 

“Unleashing Women’s Potential: Breaking Barriers and Engaging in Income-Generating Activities.” The strength and resilience of women who have broken free from the confines of their homes and engaged in income-generating activities. समाजलाई सिकाएका महिलाको कथा- The Story of Women Who Taught Society 

“Breaking Stereotypes: Women Come Out of the Closet and Take the Lead.” Witness the inspiring stories of women who have defied societal stereotypes and taken on leadership roles. हामी सक्छौं-We Can 

“Sharing Unpaid Care Work: A Step Towards Empowering Women. A heartwarming story of change where wives and husbands take a joint initiative towards women’s economic empowerment by sharing the burden of unpaid care work. As a result, women have time to engage in paid work, pursue education or start their own businesses. फर्किएका खुशीहरु-Reviving Happiness 

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